Geometry Processing and Shape Analysis in C++
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAABBAxis Aligned Bounding Box
 CCameraA basic positionable camera model
 CCommonPlyReaderA ply reader for a common set of properties
 CCommonPlyWriterA ply writer for a common set of properties
 CGeodesicsInHeatSingle source approximate geodesic distance using the heat method
 CHKSHeat kernel signature
 CHolomorphic_one_forms_parameterizer3Compute plane parameterization with holomorphic 1-forms
 CLightA simple point light model
 CMaterialA simple Lambertian material model
 COBBObject oriented bounding box
 COrthoRasCameraA RasCamera using orthographic projection
 COrthoRayCameraA RayCamera using orthographic projection
 CPerspRasCameraA RasCamera using perspective projection
 CPerspRayCameraA RayCamera using perspective projection
 CPlyCharPropertyA char ply property
 CPlyDoublePropertyA double ply property
 CPlyElementPly element
 Cconst_iteratorIterate through the properties in this element
 CiteratorIterate through the properties in this element
 CPlyFloatPropertyA float ply property
 CPlyHeaderPly header
 CPlyIntPropertyAn int ply property
 CPlyPropertyBase class for ply property
 CPlyReaderAn abstrct class for ply reader
 CPlyShortPropertyA short ply property
 CPlyUcharPropertyAn unsigned char ply property
 CPlyUintPropertyAn unsigned int ply property
 CPlyUshortPropertyAn unsigned short ply property
 CPlyWriterAn abstract ply writer
 CProPtrA potentially resource owning pointer
 CRasCameraA camera model used for rasterization
 CRasterizerA simple rasterizer
 CRayCameraA camera model used for ray tracing
 CFilmThe film plane of a camera
 CRayTracerA simple ray tracer
 CRemeshDelaunayVisitorA dumb remesh delaunay visitor
 CRicci_flow_parameterizer3Compute plane parameterization with Ricci flow
 CRicciFlowSolverSettingsRicci flow solver settings
 CSpinImageThe spin image descriptor
 CSplitSiteThe local mesh elements when splitting
 CTimerA simple timer
 CViewSphereView sphere around a mesh
 CWKSWave kernel signature