Geometry Processing and Shape Analysis in C++

Helper functions for mesh. More...


template<typename Mesh >
std::vector< vertex_t< Mesh > > Euclid::nring_vertices (vertex_t< Mesh > target, const Mesh &mesh, unsigned n=1)
 Find the n-ring vertices given a target vertex.
template<typename Mesh >
std::pair< halfedge_t< Mesh >, halfedge_t< Mesh > > Euclid::find_common_edge (const Mesh &mesh, face_t< Mesh > f1, face_t< Mesh > f2)
 Find the common edge between two faces. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

template<typename Mesh >
std::pair< halfedge_t< Mesh >, halfedge_t< Mesh > > Euclid::find_common_edge ( const Mesh &  mesh,
face_t< Mesh >  f1,
face_t< Mesh >  f2 

Return the halfedges of the common edge. The halfedges are invalid handles if no common edge found.